Aidan Nelson is a creative developer and educator working to create more engaging and human ways for artists and audiences to connect in physical and hybrid spaces.  This work has involved building real-time web-based performance venues, 3D installations, as well as open-source tools, frameworks and documentation to make emerging media technologies more accessible for artists and creative professionals.  Some clients and collaborators include CultureHub, LaMaMa ETC, the Park Avenue Armory, MAXXI Roma & L’Aquila and more.  He is currently working as a Visiting Assistant Arts Professor at NYU's Interactive Communications Program, teaching courses on storytelling through emerging media, web-based 3D experiences, machine learning and 3D and more.  

Alongside the team at CultureHub, he is currently developing LiveLab Broadcaster, an interactive streaming platform that allows audiences to directly interact with a live performance by inputting text, changing lighting, or interacting with other audience members. LiveLab Broadcaster integrates with p5.js, a broadly adopted creative coding environment for artists. which allows users to easily activate interactive elements through a p5 sketch that sits transparently above the video.