Andrea Paciotto


Andrea Paciotto is the Director of CultureHub Europe, researching and exploring the use of telepresence and telematic technologies for education and artistic production, and a Professor in the Performing Arts School of the Seoul Institute of the Arts.

In over twenty-five years as an interdisciplinary director, producer, teacher, and curator, Andrea has collaborated with theatres, festivals, and universities around the world. His work has been presented in Italy, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Turkey, Serbia, Bosnia, Switzerland, Poland, Macedonia, the United States, Mexico, and South Korea. He has directed a diverse array of productions, contemporary and classical plays, experimental media projects, operas, music theatre performances, and large multimedia events. He has directed films and documentaries, created installations, produced and curated different types of cultural and artistic projects, translated and published plays, engaged in social and community work, and developed educational programs.

His international career initiated in 1990 thanks to the encounter with American theatre icon Ellen Stewart, founder of La MaMa in New York City. He has been affiliated with La MaMa ever since, and served as Director of La MaMa Umbria International Artist Residency in Spoleto, Italy, from 2011 to 2016.

Andrea has been teaching courses and workshops as a guest artist/teacher on aspects of theatre, media performance, and artistic research at various universities, including: University of Roma 3, Maastricht Academy of Media Arts and Design, Maastricht Theater Academy,  University of Belgrade, Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia, University of South Carolina, University of Viterbo, National Academy of Dance in Mexico City, among others.