2D Character Sprite Animation
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
2pm ET/11am PT
Sliding Scale $10–$30
From pixelated walk cycles to experimental 2D character animation in VR, traditional "2D" animation can be found everywhere in video games, and has manifested a language and culture that is unique to video game platforms. In this workshop, we will break down the 2D character animation workflow to demonstrate how traditionally animated characters in Photoshop can be used in games. Meanwhile, we will consider the significance of embodiment, agency, and real-time feedback that sets interactive 2D animation apart as an artmaking modality. Participants can use Photoshop and Unity to actively follow along with the workshop, or are welcome to watch to learn and get a feeling for the process.
This workshop is led by Jenna Caravello and is presented in partnership with UCLA Game Lab.
Purchase a ticket to reserve your spot in this virtual workshop, hosted on Zoom. There are free tickets for those experiencing financial hardship. To request a free ticket, please email refest@culturehub.org.
Accessibility: This workshop will include live automatic transcription via Zoom. An access coordinator will be present for access and technical support. Please contact access@culturehub.org for any access questions or further needs.