June 29, 2020
Presented by CultureHub and La MaMa
La MaMa and CultureHub collaborated with Dream Adoption Society, a laboratory and artistic group founded by director Krzysztof Garbaczewski, operating since 2017 in the context of theatre and contemporary art using VR/AR/AI and other new technologies. In their new performance Exegesis, Dream Adoption Society creates a VR meditation that happening between virtual realms and Philip K. Dick’s Exegesis.
What is VR theatre? A specially designed, computer-generated virtual space is a meeting place for actors, director, choreographer, composer, cinematographer and other people who are part of the team. Each of them has a digital body in the form of an avatar so that they can move, gesture, touch and move three-dimensional objects. Thanks to cyber rehearsals, the team prepares performances, which are finally broadcast live on the web.
Exegesis was developed within Experiments in Digital Storytelling, a program by CultureHub and La MaMa that explores the potential of emerging technologies to create dynamic and engaging live storytelling experiences.
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