
October 24–30, 2018
Presented by Gentle Monster, a CultureHub gig, in association with Inconvenience Store


CultureHub transforms Gentle Monster’s SoHo store into an other-worldly time-based art installation that marks a journey of self-discovery for both the fictional characters and those who pass through. A search for meaning draws Marzipansy to the remote sands of Morocco where communication between lovers is fraught with digital interruptions and natural complications. Marzipansy returns home, but the journey echoes to new possibilities and possibly, hope.

This cross-industry and inter-disciplinary collaboration is the first of its kind for CultureHub and Gentle Monster. In this new creative space supported by Gentle Monster, Marzipansy takes theater out of the theater in pursuit of new artistic approaches that reach new audiences. Photographs interweave with digital renderings of Camera Obscura by Robert Patrick and an adaptation of If Their Love Was a Biosphere by Jonathan Lethem through a shifting soundscape.

Billy Clark - Creative Producer
John King - Composer
Sangmin Chae - Creative Technologist 
Yarie Vazquez - Technical Director
Mattie Barber-Bockelman - Production Manager
Youngin Ha, JaeJoung Jhang, Jesse Hur - Production Assistants

Jason Trucco, Taye Yun, Eugene the Poogene, Lenny Kohlmayer, Chaesong Kim - Artistic Team

Billy Clark – Curator
Jason Trucco – Curator

Camera Obscura by Robert Patrick
Co-directed by Jason Trucco and Billy Clark
Performed by Eugene the Poogene, Lola Giouse
Video Production by Sangmin Chae

If Our Love Was A Biosphere by Jonathan Lethem
Adapted by Jason Trucco
Co-directed by Jason Trucco and Billy Clark
Performed by Eugene the Poogene, Lola Giouse
Audio Production by Sangmin Chae