Presented in collaboration with UCLA Game Lab, SUPERCOLLIDER, Seoul Institute of the Arts, and LA Artcore
Virtual Gallery
Anna Luisa Petrisko, Tonia B******, Bela Messex & David Lyons
A video game art experience where a Diasporic space traveler returns to their home planet to summon ancestors for the ultimate cosmic ride in a decked-out jeep.
Eli Joteva, Provides Ng, Alexey Yansitov (Ya Nzi)
A speculation on the future of broadcasting cinema emerging from contemporary trends in live streaming culture, volumetric cinema, AI deep fakes and personalized narratives. This project configures a new aesthetic vocabulary that entangles different scales, temporalities, and affective phenomenologies.
Isabel Beavers, Richelle Gribble, Maru Garcia, Julian Stein
How are we co-creating relationships with nature? These works interrogate artificial materials in existing ecologies, position humans as tools of remediation, and speculate future hybrid techno-ecologies.
Jody Zellen
"Avenue S" a new addition to "Ghost City," 1998-2020, an ongoing creation of new web pages containing fragmented images and texts that are a poetic meditation on isolation. As we stay at home or walk alone wearing masks, I wanted to provide an alternative experience.
Lee Tusman
A generative virtual DIY collective artspace community that is birthed and comes into being online and simultaneously in IRL events. It is a virtual DIY artspace in the tradition of warehouse art communities and alternative art venues, imagining a new future for online co-creativity.
Maru Garcia
A remediation experiment will be running, exploring the possibility of bioremediation of lead-contaminated soil through humans, plants, fungi, and fish. Content coming from the cameras will be gathered frequently, allowing us to be part of this transformation.
Roger Kim
An interactive web-based installation that uses the classical Chinese idea of five elements (火水木金土) to explore perspectives that contradict and coexist at the same time. Visitors to the web-page will manipulate elements, and see how they interact while trying to make them harmonize.
Shan Wu
Connects expired food with a concept from Buddhism — Bardo, a liminal state between death and rebirth. Through personification and hosting a funeral ceremony for expired food, Bardo offers a humble disbelief and repentance that calls for consideration and cautiousness within modern culture.
Siri Lee
An animated webcomic that explores the U.S.'s contradictory entanglement of junk food, fatphobia, (dis)embodiment, eating disorders, the fossil fuel industry, eroticism, and climate grief. What, really, is the difference between our body fat and motor oil?
Tahnee Gehm
The gARden allows you to enjoy a little AR nature in the home! Print and cut out the AR markers, then place them around your home and use your phone to view them. gARden allows an extra level of augmented play, using physical objects to control the experience.
Multimedia works by artists from CultureHub Korea, in residence at the Seoul Institute of the Arts, including: Kim Sungbaek, Jung Hyeonhee, Woo Junhee, Kim Chaehyeon, Oh Eunjae, Jung Yebin, Jo Heejin, Kim Jinhyeon, Kim Ahhyun, Kim Hyunsu, Nam Eunseo, Shin Sumin, Jo Seon, and Kim Taewoo.
Slitscope (Kim Jaemin, Kim Keunhyoung)
It is an intangible hypothesis of dance choreographed by artificial intelligence: it was a ritual that mediated the sky and the earth, and a recreation that everyone could enjoy. Artificial intelligence breaks down the boundary between proposal and play and repeats empty gestures with transcendental actions in which the boundary becomes a domain.
Janet Sternburg
Drawing from LIMBUS, her 2018 exhibition at USC Fisher Museum of Art, Janet Sternburg will be exploring this word of many meanings, among them the rim of the eyeball where stem cells maintain and replenish the cornea. Can art-making help to replenish what has been lost? Can stem cells help us to find a generative way of being?
Jingjie Chen
Empty Dreams is a journey about finding oneself, about heading towards destinations that are origins. It is a narrative experience where the player explores a world of consciousness and memories.
Alex Rickett and John Brumley
Software Etc. is a digital mall-simulation environment that allows human passerby to interact with Simulated shoppers walk around a virtual reimagining of the Westside Pavilion Mall in Los Angeles.
Elsie Wang
Intimacy is a two-player game that expresses an intimate human relationship. While the goal of the game is ambiguous, each player uses a single button on a custom controller to make the characters collide with one another. As the characters collide and become closer, they make a sound that can be interpreted as pleasure or pain, while slowly submerging underwater.
Miller Klitsner
Real Shadows Shine is a puzzle game about... shadows. You are in the role of the sun, watching over the pilgrimage of a small being as it makes it way across a desert. Using the contours of the barren landscape, You must shield the pilgrim from its biggest obstacle; yourself.
Michael Luo
In Everyone in Their Right Place, you play as a ghost of a damaged teenager trying to navigate his way through all of his traumatizing memories and find a way to survive Dr. Y’s hellish clinic.
Workshops & Conversations
This PDF can be used to make a paper peep box that celebrates, represents and shares stories and images of resistance related to current protests, marches, monument topplings and other direct actions in solidarity with Black Lives Matter and other organizations that center and amplify Black voices, knowledge, and experience. This PDF can be used by adults and younger folx as a creative prompt to commemorate, teach, or otherwise value community actions and the challenging of the status quo.
A remote workshop hosted by Jessy Escobedo, Lilyan Kris and Selwa Sweidan in which participants build an emotional toolkit by mapping “personal cosmologies” (i.e. worldviews or mental models) with the intent to radically liberate (or ground) themselves within our current socio-emotional context, while embracing the spiritual and techno-spiritual.
4-6:30PM PDT
CultureHub LA and SUPERCOLLIDER collaboratively host a conversation on interdisciplinary collaborations between artists and scientists, sharing strategies in making and thinking in art and science, as well as the process of curation and bridging alliances with science + research initiatives.
Facilitated by Isabel Beavers, CLIMATE CHAMBER (CC) is a mini & virtual hackathon convening artists, scientists, technologists, designers and other creatives to ignite new collaborative projects that address climate through technology and art.
11-7PM PDT
Isabel Beavers, Richelle Gribble, Maru Garcia, Julian Stein, Artificial Ecologies
Jingjie Chen, Empty Dreams
Maru Garcia, RE-MEDIA+ion 2
Tahnee Gehm, community gARden
Eli Joteva, Provides Ng, Alexey Yansitov (Ya Nzi), Current
Roger Kim, Elements
Miller Klitsner, Real Shadows Shine
Siri Lee, Petropleasure
Anna Luisa Petrisko, Tonia B******, Bela Messex & David Lyons, JEEP JEEP
Michael Luo, Everyone in Their Right Place
Alex Rickett & John Brumley, Software Etc.
Janet Sternburg, LIMBUS: Borders, Crossings, Stem Cells
Lee Tusman, Messlife
Elsie Wang, Intimacy
Shan Wu, Bardo
Jody Zellen, Ghost City (Avenue S)
Works from Seoul Institute of the Arts:
SLITSCOPE (Kim Jae Min & Kim Keunhyoung), Neorchesis I
Jinhyeon Kim, Ahhyun Kim, Hyunsu Kim, Heejin Jo & Eunseo Nam, The Encounter
Sungbaek Kim & Hyeonhee Jung, Plasticized Planet
Heejin Jo, Seon Jo, Taewoo Kim & Sin Sumin, [TEUM]
Junhee Woo, Chaehyeon Kim, Eunjae Oh & Yebin Jung, Faceology
Sungbaek Kim, An Experiment on the Effects of VR’s Moral Disengagement
Ernesto Cárcamo Cavazos, Voces en vela
Daniel Corral, Sextet for Similar Sounds
Janet Sternburg, LIMBUS: Borders, Crossings, Stem Cells
Maru Garcia, RE-MEDIA+ion 2
Isabel Beavers, Co-Sponsored by UCLA Art | Sci Center + Lab: Climate Chamber: A Mini-Hackathon
Christina Corfield, Peep Box Workshop
Jessy Escobedo, Lilyan Kris & Selwa Sweidan: Blips of the Pluriverse—Prototyping a Virtual Cosmology Toolkit
CultureHub LA & SUPERCOLLIDER: Conversation on Art+Sci Collaborations
Presented in collaboration with Center for Constitutional Rights, Magnum Foundation, NYU Interactive Telecommunications Program, and Safe Harbors Indigenous Collective.

The Santana Project
3.13.20 / 7 PM
The creative, interdisciplinary, intergenerational collaborative of the Brooklyn art family of Marilyn Nance, Al Santana, RaFia Santana, Ali Santana, Stephanie Santana, and Ayinde Santana.
Photo By Keliy Anderson-Staley

by Nora Rodriguez
3.13.20 / 8 PM
Telephone is a performance that includes animation, live and recorded sound, and movement. The foundation for the project is a series of recorded phone conversations between family members that become the frame for a series of animations.

I miss the good old days.
by Aaron Moreno Ayala
3.13.20 / 8 PM
Footage from the burning of Bogotá in 1948 taken by the performer’s grandfather reveal uncanny parallels with currents events such as Ferguson, the Arab Spring and even the National Strike in his own country, Colombia, are uncanny. Has generational distance made for a better democratic relationship with power?

by EK Theater
3.12.20 / 8 PM
Teens use Xbox 360 consoles and Halo to perform the 2000-year-old story of Niobe from Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
The Wind Catcher
by Wenjing Liu
3.12.20 / 8PM
An audiovisual performance that interprets the absurdity of human’s efforts to find meanings in seemingly insignificant matters through defining goals, setting rules and executing tasks.

Everyday Word Choice as a World Building Strategy
with Leila Kassiri
3.14.20 / 5-6pm

by Nia & Ness
3.14.20 / 8 PM
home. deeply explores our daily realities as a black, out-lesbian couple living and loving in New York. This piece goes beyond glimpses into our living; it hones in on the details of our experiences and provides the accompanying emotions with grounding.

Views of Wayward Conduct
by Christina Corfield

The Baptism of an Igbo Man
by Uzoma Orji

Generative Photography
by Yuguang Zhang and Nuntinee Tansrisakul

Two Blue Shells
by Lisa Ramsburg, Albert Chao, Edward M. Segal, Powell Draper

Universal Constructors
by Andrew Chee

ZÀO: A History of Chinese Dishcourse through Famine and Revolution
by Siri Lee

Tatsuniya II
by Rahima Gambo

First Generation
by Iaritza Menjivar

by Lee Tusman

Old Jo’s Story Map
by Alina Constantin & Brianna Shuttleworth
An interpretive story-making workshop that invites participants to build a personal world merging tall-tale narratives onto an evolving symbolic map.

Ana, Mariana
by June Canedo

Mago, the Animation
by Dianing Ratri, Banung Grahita, and students from SeoulArts and ITB’s Multimedia Puppetry Class

Journalism as Social Practice in Webster City, Iowa
by Brendan Hoffman

by Terry Dame

Slow Dimming Study
by Yeseul Song

Narratives of Resistance and Resilience: Documenting & Making Sense of the Anti-ELAB Protests in Hong Kong
by Winnie Yoe

by Ernesto Cárcamo Cavazos

Heavy Comprehensive Show (Lenticular Collage)
by The Santana Project

Restoring Vernacular Typography as Inspiration for Modern Typeface Design
by Dr. Naomi Haswanto, Annisa Luthfiasari, Angelica N. Tjoantara, Elda Komala F, Katarina Stella, Raihan Rasdin, Rosalyana

Day 1 in NYC of CultureHub’s annual festival that brings artists, activists, and technologists together to envision our role in re-shaping the future.

Day 2 in NYC of CultureHub’s annual festival that brings artists, activists, and technologists together to envision our role in re-shaping the future.

Day 3 in NYC of CultureHub’s annual festival that brings artists, activists, and technologists together to envision our role in re-shaping the future.
Andrew Chee, Universal Constructors
Brendan Hoffman, Journalism as Social Practice in Webster City, Iowa
Christina Corfield, Views of Wayward Conduct*
Dianing Ratri, Banung Grahita, and students from SeoulArts and ITB’s Multimedia Puppetry Class, Mago, the Animation
Dr. Naomi Haswanto, Annisa Luthfiasari, Angelica N. Tjoantara, Elda Komala F, Katarina Stella, Raihan Rasdin, Rosalyana, Restoring Vernacular Typography as Inspiration for Modern Typeface Design
Ernesto Cárcamo Cavazos, Voces*
Iaritza Menjivar, First Generation
June Canedo, Ana, Mariana
Lee Tusman, Messlife*
Lisa Ramsburg, Albert Chao, Edward M. Segal, & Powell Draper, Two Blue Shells
Marilyn Nance, Al Santana, Rafia Santana, Ali Santana, Stephanie Santana, and Ayinde Santana, Heavy Comprehensive Show (Lenticular Collage)
Nuntinee Tansrisakul & Yuguang Zhang, Generative Photography
Rahima Gambo, Tatsuniya II
Siri Lee, ZÀO: A History of Chinese Dishcourse through Famine and Revolution*
Terry Dame, Melting
Uzoma Orji, The Baptism of an Igbo Man
Winnie Yoe, Narratives of Resistance & Resilience: Documenting & Making Sense of the Anti-ELAB Protests in Hong Kong
Yeseul Song, Slow Dimming Study
Aaron Moreno Ayala, I miss the good old days.
John Maria Gutierrez, Maria en Me
Lan Zhang, Hack(Comedy)
Nia & Ness, home.
Nora Rodriguez, Telephone
Silvercloud Singers, Opening Ceremony
Wenjing Liu, The Wind Catcher
Alina Constantin & Brianna Shuttleworth: Old Jo’s Story Map
Amir Husak & Melissa Friedling: Re/Lens: Old Glass for New Eyes
Ann Bennet, Katja Esson, Robert Pluma, Simone Salvo: Disrupting the Frame in Liberty City and San Antonio
Leila Kassiri: Everyday Word Choice as a World Building Strategy
Katy Ilonka Gero, Blair Simmons, Maxwell Neely-Cohen, Allison Parrish: Re-Generating Text with Style
Marilyn Nance, Al Santana, RaFia Santana, Ali Santana, Stephanie Santana, Ayinde Santana: The Santana Project
Safe Harbors Indigenous Collective, Native 101