Selfie Deathmatch

Presented by CultureHub
September 22, 2017


Selfie Deathmatch is a two person competitive physical game where the players stand in a very small circle each holding a selfie stick loaded with a camera phone. The phones automatically take a photo on a timer, and then the photo is judged. The selfie with the most faces wins the round, and players jostle to get as much of the audience into their selfie as possible while messing up their opponent’s shot. The photos are then tweeted to the Eternal Leader Board, and the number of likes and retweets each selfie gets adds to its base score.

This project also explores the overlap between games and theater in various ways. The main screen was built in JavaScript using Electron and the software running on the phones was written in Java using the Android SDK. By using the theater lights and audio system, and integrating it into the whole game system, as the game state changed, so did the environment with it. Lead artists Kaho Abe and Ramsey Nasser dressed up as referees facilitating the game and adding to the performance of the game.

Kaho Abe - Lead Artist
Ramsey Nasser - Lead Artist