Embodied AR
Zeynep Abes
This workshop teaches how to create mobile AR installations using Lens Studio, triggered by our body's pose and joint position.
Zeynep Abes
This workshop teaches how to create mobile AR installations using Lens Studio, triggered by our body's pose and joint position.
Alvaro Azcarraga
The workshop will be looking into creating maize-based bioplastics where we reimagine our dependency on petrochemicals, question industrial agriculture practices, as well as embed our own personal narratives.
Emma Akmakdjian and Kaitlin Bryson, UCLA Art + Sci Lab
A workshop using invasive plants to naturally dye fiber and facilitate a discussion around the notions of ‘invasive’ and ‘endemic’.
Learn about the latest features of LiveLab, a new browser-based media-router for collaborative performance developed by CultureHub.
Poetic Societies
This workshop will explore what body-mind state we write, read, and sign contracts. How can we use our bodies as healing technologies to circulate survival tactics and organize together?
Clarissa Ribeiro
The workshop invites participants to share environmental information online to build together an algorithmic sculptural transduction.